
Lycanthrope Club Vignette 6

Deviation Actions

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"How many people did you say were coming, again?" inquired Melinda's mother as she unfolded the chair.

Melinda peeked out from around the corner leading to the kitchen.

"At least a dozen," said Melinda.  "Probably more."

Melinda's mother placed the chair alongside the others in the living room.

"We only have a six chairs and a single sofa," she said, sighing.  She walked over to the kitchen countertop and retrieved a stack of napkins sitting there.  "Where are the rest of your friends going to sit?"

Melinda stepped out of the kitchen.  She was wearing a grey long-sleeve shirt and a long black skirt.  

"I dunno.  The floor I guess," she said.

"You really should have planned this out better," sighed Melinda's mother as she set the napkins down on the table facing the television.

"Sorry mom."

"Don't apologize to me.  You really need to be more considerate of others."

"I know, I know," said Melinda in a weary voice.  "Look, I've just been…sort of distracted lately, OK?"

Her mother glanced up at her.

"By a certain young man?" she said wryly.


Melinda's mother smiled, approached her daughter and held her gently by the arms.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed, sweetie," she said.  "I think it's wonderful you found someone, even if the circumstances are a bit…unusual."

Melinda smiled weakly.

"Yeah, well, thanks," she said.  "But-"

The doorbell rang.  Both Melinda and her mother turned towards the front door.

"That must be Yvette, Cynthia and the others," said Melinda. "They said they'd be here a little early.

"I'll finish up the pizza," said her mother.  "You go ahead and let them in."

Nodding, Melinda hurried over to the door.  She reached down to open it, and then froze, looking puzzled. She sniffed the air a few times, and then broke into a wide smile.  She turned the knob.

"What are you doing here so soon?" she said in mock surprise.

"Hey Melinda," said Phillip as he stepped inside, grinning.

He wrapped his arms around Melinda and gave her a kiss, much to her delight.

"You still haven't answered my question," said Melinda teasingly.

"Band practice got cancelled," he said, grinning.  "Conductor caught the flu.  How'd you know it was me anyw-…wait, stupid question."

"I could smell you a mile off," said Melinda with a smirk.  "Kind of hard to forget your unique…scent."

"Beats the crap out of Old Spice, huh?" joked Phillip.

Melinda ran her hand up and down Phillip's chest.  She could feel his newly acquired muscles bulging beneath the fabric of his shirt.  They weren't much compared to his…alter ego, but still, quite impressive – especially given his former stick-like build.  And if her own experience was any indicator, he was only going get bigger.  Not that she particularly obsessed with muscle-bound guys, but that didn't mean she didn't find them attractive.

"So, am I the first one here?" asked Phillip.

"Yeah, but Yvette and the others will be here any second," said Melinda releasing him.  She motioned towards the kitchen.  "Can I get you some food?"

"Whaddaya got?" said Phillip.  He raised his hand suddenly.  "Wait, don't tell me."  He sniffed the air. "Hmm…pepperoni pizza, beef jerky, roasted chicken, chips – ranch, onion, plain, and barbeque – diet cola, regular cola, sprite, and…some kind of cheese."

"Pepperjack," supplied Melinda promptly.

"Almost got them all this time," said Phillip, snapping his fingers.

"Easy there, tiger," laughed Melinda.  "You've only been a full-fledged werewolf for two weeks.  You need to give it some time."

"No, wait, I knew what it was," said Phillip.  "Just couldn't remember what it was called."

"Yeah, yeah, smart guy," said Melinda.  "Come on."

* * *

"I call to order the first official meeting of the North American Lycanthrope Association."

The announcement was met with polite, expectant silence from those assembled in the living room.  Melinda blinked, slightly surprised by the attentiveness.  Granted, it was a somewhat momentous occasion.  There was a good chance that, decades from now, the meeting would be in the history books.  She took a second to scan the crowd.  Nearly everyone from the last full moon "outing" was present, plus a few new additions.  There were her parents.  They were sitting at the edge of the crowd and had promised just to observe.  There was also Cynthia's brother – a self-professed "furry" (whatever the hell that was) who had stumbled onto his sister's secret and blackmailed them into letting him join.  He desperately wanted to become a werewolf and sooner or later they were going to have to grant him his wish.  Finally, there was Theodore McAllister – Dairyville's police chief.  He'd been contacted at her parents' suggestion.  The stony-faced lawmen had been quite unnerved to learn there were werewolves running around in his precinct.  Luckily, he'd agreed to keep their secret.  Sitting alongside her at the table were Heidi, Cynthia, Lily, and Yvette.  

Melinda cleared her throat and continued.

"Before we begin I just want to make it clear that, although we're observing meeting protocol, we're trying to keep things relaxed.  We won't jump on you for speaking out of turn or anything like that.  All we ask is that you be polite and treat other with courtesy."  She nodded.  "There being no old business, we'll move straight on to new business.  The first item on the agenda is our charter.  The goals and purpose of our organization."  She glanced down at the sheet of table she was holding.  "One.  To advance the understanding of lycanthropy.  Two.  To protect and support individuals with lycanthropy.  Three.  To promote friendly relations between lycanthropes and non-lycanthropes."

Melinda put the paper down.

"The floor is open for discussion."

Predictable silence followed.  Then, Heidi spoke.

"I'd like to move that an additional purpose be added to the charter," she said.  "To, uh…" the red-headed teen hesitated for a second.  "…To facilitate the conversion of willing and stable individuals to lycanthropes," she said carefully as though she had rehearsed it.

There were a few mutters in the crowd.

"Are you saying we would go around changing people into werewolves…on purpose?" asked someone.

"Hang on," said Melinda, raising her hands.  "Before everyone starts freaking out, let me clarify things a bit." She gave Heidi a dirty look, and then continued.

"I was hoping to bring this up later in the meeting, but since somebody broached the topic, we should discuss it."  She took a deep breath.  "First, let me make it abundantly clear that the other officers and I strongly oppose converting individuals against their will – by accident or design.  And that includes people who uncover our secret.  Originally, we supported converting individuals who learn we exist, but now we believe that was misguided.  Experience has shown that frightened werewolves are extremely dangerous to themselves and others and those who have been converted against their will…tend to be pretty frightened."  She paused.  "And that's assuming they're not criminals, sociopaths, attention-seekers, or religious whack-jobs.  No.  We are not just going to go converting people at random.  That said, we're not going to forbid conversion altogether."

"So…how is it going to work?" asked Lily after a moment's silence.

"That's one of the many things we have to decide," said Melinda.  "I…that is, we have a few suggestions for the group to consider.  First, any non-lycanthrope member of NALA may be transformed if they want.  However, they need to have been members for at least two months and receive recommendations from two lycanthrope members in good standing, something along those lines.  We'd eventually like to offer conversion to people with terminal illnesses.  Granted, we don't know whether lycanthropy would cure diseases like AIDS, genetic disorders, and so on, but going on what we've already learned about lycanthropic invulnerability there's a good chance it will.  We're going to need contacts in the health system for that, so it's a long term goal."

She paused for a moment to let the group consider this.

"Hey, Chief McAllister," said Cynthia suddenly.  "Do you think you could do a background check on prospective members?"

The police chief hesitated, and then nodded his head solemnly.

"That…shouldn't be a problem. I could run a quick background check on anyone who applies.  I'd also recommend requiring a psychological assessment in the future if resources allow.  This…conversion process shouldn't be taken lightly."

There were nods among the crowd.

"Sounds good," said Melinda.  "We can vote on the particulars later.  For now, I suppose we should vote on whether or not we add the proposed fourth item to our charter.  All in favor?"

Nearly every hand in the room went up.

"All opposed?"

A few timid hands were raised into the air, and then hastily lowered.

"Passed by majority vote, then," said Melinda.

"You might want to have secret ballots in the future, dear," said Melinda's mother suddenly.

Melinda resisted the urge to roll her eyes in embarrassed annoyance and cry out 'MOMMM!' Instead, she coughed and smiled weakly.

"Thank you," she said.  "Any additional proposals?  No?  Good.  Moving on," she said hastily.

"Next on the agenda is the election of officers," she continued.  "As it stands, Yvette, Heidi, Cynthia, Lily, and myself are NALA's de facto officers because…well, we were the first," she said, shrugging.  "However, if anyone would like to run for office, here's your chance.  Yvette is running for public relations officer, Heidi running for vice-president, Cynthia is running for treasurer, Lily is running for secretary, and I am running for president.  Are there any nominations?"

Again, there was silence.  It was discouraging, actually.  Melinda understood that most of the teens were still a little overawed by their transformation and had no idea how to proceed.  Still, she wished they'd show at least some initiative.

"Alright, by virtue of there being no other candidates, Yvette is public relations officer, Cynthia is treasurer, Heidi is vice-president, Lily is secretary, and I am president.  Next on the agenda are rules and bylaws.   However, before we move on to that, there's a video I think everyone should watch.  Lily?"

Nodding, Lily rose from her seat.  She stepped carefully through the rows of teenagers and approached the television set lying in the corner.  She reached for a video tape sitting on top of the cable box and put it in the VHS slot in the television.  As she returned to her seat, Melinda's father reached for a remote controller and turned the television on.  The screen flickered to life.  First there was static, then blank screen with the number four in the upper right hand corner.  Suddenly, an image appeared.  It appeared to be a pair of newscasters sitting at a desk with a blurred cityscape behind them.  Melinda's father turned up the volume.

"…Roger Garrison was brought to Redhaven Memorial Hospital suffering from a mild concussion, several broken ribs and a few other minor injuries as a result of a car accident.  Mr. Garrison has since made a full recovery.  What makes his story incredible is who or what transported him to the hospital.  Multiple eye-witnesses claim that Mr. Garrison was brought to the steps of Redhaven by a large, furry creature walking on two legs.  A security camera at the entrance to the emergency recorded the encounter."

The image on the screen changed to a fuzzy, monochrome view of a large parking lot.  Several figures were standing with their back to the camera on a short flight of concrete steps.  Before them a larger figure stepped forward and lowered something to the ground.  While clearly bipedal, the larger figure had a strange gait.

Someone in the room muttered "shit."

"The rescuer can be seen in the right corner of the screen placing Mr. Garrison on the ground," continued the newscaster's voice.  "Dr. Eric Jay Erikson was present at the time and says he heard it speak."

A young man with thick glasses wearing a doctor's coat appeared on the screen.  Someone behind the camera was holding a microphone.  The hospital was in the background.

"It approached the steps and put the patient on the ground before me," said Dr. Erikson in a calm, pleasant voice.  "It said 'he needs help' and then it ran off – on four legs, mind you.  It walked to the hospital on two legs and ran away on four.  I don't think it was a costume."

"So what do you think it was?" asked the interviewer.

Dr. Erikson shook his head.

"I don't know," he said.  "I honestly don't know.   I've never believed in those stories of bigfoot, sasquatch, or werewolves, but I definitely believe something's out there now."

The camera cut away to a street of a suburban neighborhood.

"Dr. Erikson isn't the only one. Over the last few months residents around the Ashton Creek Wildlife Preserve have reported seeing and hearing strange things at night.  Furthermore, over the last six months park rangers have found deer corpses littering the preserve, all apparently eaten alive."

A middle-aged, balding man with a thick mustache appeared.  A small single-story home with an unkempt lawn could be seen in the background.

"Yeah, it was, oh, one month ago," said the man, speaking into the proffered microphone.  "'Bout eleven-o'clock.  I was sittin' by the window when I saw something creepin' through my backyard.  I turn on the light and this, er, giant wolf-bear…lion thing standing there. I went for my camera but by the time I got back it was gone."

The camera switched to a view of Dairyville High School.

"In fact, two months ago, a local high school dance came under attack by unknown assailants.  Although still under investigation, witnesses claim several giant wolves were to blame.  Many those injured did sustain bite and claw wounds."

A black, burly-looking police officer appeared.  He was standing in the parking lot of the school.  Several patrol cars could be seen parked nearby.

"As far as we can tell the assailants were wearing some kind of wolf costume.  They even had a set of fake claws capable of doing real damage.  Very sick stuff.  Luckily, no one was killed or seriously injured."

The camera switched back to a view of the woods.

"Whatever is going on, the town of Dairyville is taking it very seriously.  Local police have stepped up patrols around the wildlife sanctuary and residents have been advised to be cautious at night."

A view of downtown Dairyville appeared on the screen.

"While some fear these sightings, others see opportunity.  Alan Castulucci, owner of the local Ace Hardware, has started a collection of articles related to what he has dubbed 'The Dairyville Beast.'  He's put his collection up on display at his shop.  He's also started selling Dairyville Beast buttons, bumper stickers, T-shirts, and stuffed dolls."

The camera showed a pile of small, crudely stitched stuffed animals resembling a bipedal wolf lying in a wicker basket on a table in a cluttered hardware store.  An elderly yet fit-looking man in a plaid shirt appeared.  He was holding one of the stuffed wolves.

"Yeah, I believe the critter – or critters; some folk say they're more than one – exist," he said.  "Maybe they don't.  Either way I think it's, well, really interesting.  People need legends like this.  And who knows?  They might be real."

"Mr. Castulucci is offering a five-hundred dollar award to anyone who brings him a photograph or video of the Dairyville Beast," said news reporter.  "His offer has been matched by the local newspaper.  Several bigfoot enthusiasts and cryptozoologists have already arrived in town in search of the creature or creatures, including a Mr. Donnie Bueller."

A pale, skinny man with dark sunglasses and neat little mustache appeared.

"This, this is really an incredible find," said the man with overt enthusiasm.  "All the evidence and eyewitnesses suggest that there is at least five cryptids – probably more – living within twenty-five miles of the town.  I mean, the incident at the high school alone…I'm surprised there hasn't been national coverage until now."

The camera returned to a shot of the wildlife preserve.

"This is Michelle Wong, WGN, ten o'clock news," said the unseen reporter.

The image on the TV froze, the words "paused" visible in the upper right corner of the screen.

The room was utterly silent.  

"First of all, none of the club officers – myself included – fault Yvette or Christine for their decision," said Melinda after a while.  "We think they did the right thing…under the circumstances."

She took a deep breath.

"However, this DOES complicate matters," she continued.  "We need to decide what to do about this.  The floor is open for discussion.

Cynthia raised her hand.

"For starters, we need to find someplace else to spend full moon nights," she said.

There was some muttering in the crowd.

"Hang on," said Heidi, turning to face Cynthia.  "That isn't an option.  There's nowhere else to go."

"You saw the news," said Cynthia, sounding irked.  "That place is going to be crawling with rangers, police, tourists, bigfoot nuts…it isn't safe anymore."

"You know as well as I do that we can't just sit in our rooms all night long," retorted Heidi.

Sighing, Melinda opened her mouth to speak.


Melinda nearly jumped in her seat.

"We need to keep a low profile until this all blows over," argued Cynthia.  "We can't risk giving those nutjobs more incentive to poke around our forest."  She glanced around the room and gestured at Chief McAllister.  "What do you think, officer?"

The police chief nodded.

"I whole-heartedly agree," he said.  "To be perfectly honest I was going to bring up the subject even if you hadn't.  I can't step down patrols around the Ashton Creek without drawing flak from the city council.  This is a real hot topic right now.  It'd really be best if you kids stayed inside for a while."

Melinda eyes darted back and forth.  She waited.  Nothing came.  She relaxed slightly.


"Shit," she hissed under her breath.  

There was no mistaking it.  The voice wasn't coming from anyone else in the room; it was coming from inside her.

"Look, officer," said Heidi.  "I don't think you understand how important this is.  We – that is, werewolves – need to get out and stretch our legs.  Emphasis on the need.  I tried staying indoors once during a full moon, and it was like holding my head underwater.  And the newbloods here don't have half the self-control we do.  What's that saying?  Never make a law that will never be obeyed?"

What the hell do you want? thought Melinda angrily.  I thought you were gone!

I never left you, intoned a faint, whispery voice inside her mind.  I cannot leave you.  Not yet.

Well then…shut up!  You've been quiet for the last couple of week so why the hell are you speaking up now?  I was just starting to forget about you.

Chief McAllister gave Heidi a cold look.

"If I'm not mistaken the young lady said you needed to find an alternate site, not that you should give up…whatever it is you do do," he said.  "Doesn't the forest extend beyond the wildlife preserve?  Why not just move a little farther out?"

I speak because I have sensed a presence I haven't felt since…

Despite herself, Melinda almost burst into laughter.  A few in the crowd glanced up at her curiously, but the majority were watching the debate between Heidi and the police chief.

What is so funny?

Melinda covered her mouth to stifle a giggle.

Oh God…I…I mean, you don't know? she thought.  I thought you could read my mind.

"Because…there's no road access and it takes at least half-a-day to get far out enough," said Heidi, though she seemed a little less confident now.  

Only your surface thoughts.  It is irrelevant in any case.

So…what have you sensed?

One among your friends possesses a rare gift.

What, you mean like Yvette?
thought Melinda in confusion.

"Look, why don't you let me finish what I was about to say?" said Cynthia.  "You know the camping trip coming up next week?  Why not make it a monthly outing?"

"Do you have any idea how much that would cost?" said Lily.

No.  Something greater.

Greater?  Something greater than Yvette?  She's…she's like the incredible hulk.  I've seen her lift a van over her head.

In time, any werewolf may develop the powers your friend possesses.  No.  Someone in your tribe has the gift I…that is, the shaman possessed.


"Yes, excellent point, Lily," said Heidi, gratified.  "And Chief McAllister, couldn't you just…tell us where and when the patrols will be?"

"Possibly," said the police chief gravely.  "But that's no guarantee you won't run into a patrol if they're active in the area."

You should know that the loup garou draw their power from the forest itself.  The animals, the trees, the grass, the very lichen on the rocks – every living thing contributes.  Deprived of this you will weaken.  That is why you feel compelled to venture into the forest every full moon night – to draw power and reinforce the bond.  Though all loup garou tap this energy, a few can also sense and manipulate it.  These individuals were the shamans.  They were revered among the old tribes.

What could they do?

Many things.  Sense spirits, life, and energy.  Read portends of the future.  Probe, enthrall, and shatter minds.

, thought Melinda.

"Hey, Melinda?"

Melinda blinked in surprise.

"Melinda, you OK?" whispered Yvette, who was leaning over the table, a look of concern on her face.

Melinda glanced around.  Heidi, Cynthia, Lily, Officer McAllister and now her father were still debating the issue of where the teens should spend their full moon nights.  No one but Yvette, it seemed, had noticed her reaction.  She bit her lower lip.

"Just…give me a second, Yvette," said Melinda under her breath.

She turned back to the crowd.

Ok, who is it? she thought.

It is difficult to tell with so many present.  Wait.  Didn't your companion say one of the newcomers form differed greatly from the others.

…Yes, I think it was…Rachael.  She was really, really tall.

Ah.  Then it is her.


Yes.  The long-limbed ones. They were always endowed with the shaman's gifts.

Melinda hesitated.  She glanced down at Rachael, who was sitting next to one of the boys – Bradford or something – looking bored.  Melinda turned to Yvette.

"Yvette," she whispered.  "I want you to talk to Rachael after the meeting and tell we want to speak with her…privately."
Here's the sixth Lycanthrope Club Vignette. Enjoy.
© 2009 - 2024 Heliotroph
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Hmm so i don't seem to recall when Melinda revealed that she was a werewolf to her parents was it just a off screen thing or did i miss something